The Friends of Ocklynge Cemetery were established in 2021 by a small group of local people who love the cemetery and its history.

The Friends have held meetings with the Cemetery Manager to discuss relevant issues.  Membership is updated by meetings at the Lamb Inn and via the Friends Facebook page.

Considerable research has been done on many of the people who are buried in the cemetery and the public have regularly been assisted in finding their family graves.

What we do

The aims of the Friends of Ocklynge Cemetery are:

To respect both the historic and the environmental aspects of the cemetery.

To liaise with the Council regarding aspects of the cemetery

Identify notable graves.

To conduct historic research into the people buried there.

To Identify and possibly protect important aspects of the flora and fauna in the cemetery.

To Identify potential problems and report them to the council.

To assist the public in identifying the location of graves.

To liaise with Heritage Eastbourne, Commonwealth War Graves Commission and local environmental and local history and family history groups.

To provide guided tours of the cemetery.

To provide members of the society updates about their work.

Upcoming events & info

  • Committee

    Kevin Gordon - Chair

    Shirley Moth - Membership Secretary

    Jo Barber - Minutes Secretary

    Danielle Wilson - Treasurer

  • Cemetery hours

    Ocklynge Cemetery is open:

    Summer (BST): 8am to 8pm

    Winter (GMT): 8am to 5:30pm

  • Work Parties

    When weather permits there are usually one or two volunteer sessions at the cemetery every week. Volunteers decide on a particular part of the cemetery to work on and bring their own tools and equipment.

  • Become a Member

    Join us and find out about forthcoming talks and events. Membership is free.

  • Upcoming Guided Walks

    Kevin Gordon will be giving guided walks at the Cemetery as follows:

    Walks start at the Willingdon Road entrance outside the Chapel.

  • Donations

    We are entirely volunteer run.

    Donations are gratefully received to support our work at the cemetery.

    There are 2 ways you can support us:

    (1) Make a donation. Here are our bank details:
    Metro Bank PLC

    A/C No. 48076734

    Sort 23-05-80

    A/C name: Friends of Ocklynge Cemetery

    A/C type: Business, NOT personal

    IBAN: GB21MYMB23058048076734


    (2) Buy tickets for the Eastbourne Lottery. We get 50p out of every £1.00 ticket. Buy lottery tickets here:

    THANK YOU!!!